[Answered] NR-535 Week 8 Discussion: The course is completed -nr535


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator


The course is completed! Using reflective thinking skills, consider all of the aspects of this course: What have you learned in these past weeks, and how will this be applicable to your future practice? How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate the final MSN practicum project? Please see the guidelines and rubric for more information.


Before starting this class, I was very nervous and anticipate what will it all detailed. As I look back at what I have learn these past weeks was a lot of informative information that is required to prepared me one step closer to my goal. These introduction topics include the role and requirement for the nurse educator, educational theories and concepts, cultural competence verses humility, didactic teaching environment, evidence-based teaching, ethical and legal issue is very essential to my educational growth. I learned the role of a RN and what is require in the State of Illinois to actual become a Practicing Nursing educator…please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5