[Answered] NR 535 Week 6 Assignment: Develop an Evolving Case Study


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to develop an evolving case study that would be useful as part of a small group activity in the clinical setting. It should not be written for a simulation learning activity. Using a concept presented in Weeks 2, 3, and 4, the student incorporates the elements expected of an evolving case study as well as includes pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment.

Description of the Assignment

This assignment requires the student to develop an evolving case study that would be useful in either the clinical or classroom setting. It is not written for a simulation learning activity. The evolving case study must focus on a concept assigned from Giddens (2017) required textbook during Weeks 2, 3, and 4. In addition, the student must identify Socratic questions related to the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health assessment used in the evolving case study. The study demonstrates the following.

Health Assessment and

Pharmacology for Nurse Educators: Experiential Learning

  • Initial presentation (i.e., Stage 1) regarding the health status of the patient
  • Progress to Stage 2 with the occurrence of event that requires the identification of the appropriate response from learners
  • Ends with Stage 3 that is based upon the action identified by learners

The development of Socratic questions useful for debriefing following completion of the evolving case study are required.

Criteria for Content

Overview of the assignment

The evolving case study starts with background information that provides an overview; description of the patient; and the report provided to the participants using the format of situation, background, assessment, and recommendation (SBAR). Progressing over time with a fictional patient’s health status changing, this evolving case study presents the situation in three stages. Stage 1 is the initial stage where the patient’s healthcare situation is presented, followed by a trigger, which represents a health challenge or worsening of health. Participants identify the appropriate interventions to maintain a stable health status as well as recognize via assessment the deterioration in the fictional patient’s health. Stage 2 continues the presentation of the patient with progressive decline in health status requiring the identification of appropriate actions by participants. A trigger for Stage 3 will be identified based on the stabilization of the fictional patient. An outcome of the evolving case study is suggested as part of Stage 3. Preparation for the debriefing of participants is considered by the identification of Socratic questions.

Required content for the assignment

Part 1: Overview of evolving case study

Part 2: Description of fictional patient by identifying each of the following elements

Part 3: Develop the report that learners receive prior to the start of the evolving case study using SBAR

Part 4: Stage 1: Start of the healthcare situation with required elements

Part 5: Stage 2: Deterioration in fictional patient’s health status with required elements

Part 6: Stage 3: Stabilization of fictional patient with required elements

Part 7: Debriefing


Management of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Trachea

Overview of Evolving Case Study

Identify type learner Learning objectives

Description of the case study and the setting

This case study aims to demonstrate how to Think critically and apply clinical skills to manage a medical emergency. Healthcare practitioners with excellent critical thinking skills must work through clinical issues and make appropriate judgments in medical emergencies, which necessitates acute care. Registered nurses working in a clinical setting will gain from this case study. Experiential learning is enhanced through this case study, which increases the learner’s competence to enhance health care quality.


1.      To assess the learners’ efficiency in critical thinking application and patient-oriented care in the advanced setting.

2.      To assess students’ abilities in recording the patient’s state, medical history, diagnosis, and care of summary.

A 54-year-old man is brought to the ED experiencing sudden onset difficulties in breathing. Mr. Steve claims that he has been having progressive difficulty breathing for the past three weeks, which became acutely worse before being taken to the emergency room. The patient is noted to have fast breathing using accessory muscle and wheezing from the beginning.

The emergency room doctors managed the patient, but his status continues to worsen, and because of that, he is intubated and placed on a ventilator. The setting is in California XXX hospital emergency Department (Please change based on your state.)


Description of Patient
Name Steve K.
Gender/Age/Weight/Height Hispanic American Male, 54 years old, 189 lbs., 6’0”
Allergies Gluten and Penicillin
Past medical history Asthma, Diabetes type 2, Anxiety disorder, gastritis,

and seasonal rhinitis. No history of surgery in the past.

History of present illness His medical history indicates that he has had asthma in the past and that he has been taking medications such as ipratropium bromide, fluticasone, and Ventolin to control the disease. Mr. Steve also complains of seasonal rhinitis, for which he has been

taking ranitidine but has seen no substantial improvement. He is employed as a taxi driver. He is

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