[Answered] BUSN115N Week 5 Discussion: The Role of Management -Process


BUSN 115 Introduction To Business And Technology

Initial Post Instructions

The four key functions of the managerial process are planning, leading, organizing, and controlling.

Think about your current or former manager. Give a specific example of how your manager fulfills each role within your organization.

In your opinion, which of the four activities is most important for a manager? Why?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.


Managerial processes including leading, planning, and controlling are used by my present supervisor.

From what I’ve seen, my manager takes the initiative most of the time since she’s the one who establishes the standards that everyone on the team must meet and then actively encourages everyone to do their best to reach those standards. In addition to ensuring that routine tasks are carried out efficiently, she influences, inspires, and drives the individuals who work on them.…..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5