(Solutions) NR 505 Reflection on Learning Weeks 1-8


NR 505 Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based Practice

Week 1

As a medical-surgical nurse, I’ve experienced more in a Quality Improvement (QI) process, for example, removing a foley catheter in post-op day 1 after surgery to prevent CAUTI cases in my hospital. These processes improve patient care and outcomes in the medical-surgical ward. And because I worked in an acute setting so policy changes constantly. Some EBP has a long-term goal and approach to integrating systematic research and clinical expertise, such as infection control, wearing appropriate precautions or PPE, and handwashing. Nurses play an integral role in preventing illness before it happens; this is adhering to an evidence-based infection control policy. But some barriers can affect the implementation of EBP, such as lack of communication, not an adaptive team member, and insufficient training. As nurse practitioners, we have a key role in identifying gaps and facilitating relevant research to improve the patients’ outcomes.

Week 2

 I encountered some barriers or even challenges while formulating my PICOT question, especially if it is a sensitive topic that will give you a lot of possible outcomes. Yes, multiple outcomes are also a challenge in formulating my PICOT question. I find it hard to focus on one desirable outcome if there is more problem that will get in your way while doing the research study.…..please click the purchase button below to access the week 1 – 8 reflection at $37