(Solution) PSYC 290N Week 2 Graded Discussion Topic 2


One of the areas of social and emotional development studied by developmental psychologists is the concept of infant attachment to a parent or caregiver. The process of attachment typically occurs during the 5th to the 9th month of life. Review John Bowlby and Ainsworth’s attachment theory. How important is it for infants to form a good attachment to their caregivers? Pick….. of the attachment theories, give an example, and explain a good or a problem that could occur with attachment.


According to attachment theory, a child’s experiences with and connection to his or her primary caregivers serve as the foundation for and primary influence on the development of the child’s subsequent relationships. Bowlby’s attachment theory is the one I’ve settled on since it shows how trust in the caregiver grows organically as the newborn tests out their warmth and dependability (Boyd, 2015). Knowing that communication between love partners is successful and adaptable is vital in the Bowlby model….please click the purchase button below to access entire solution at $5