(Solution) NRNP 6540 Week 7 Assignment; Assessing Diagnosing


NRNP 6540 Advanced Practice Care of Older Adults

Assessing, Diagnosing, and Treating Abdominal, Urological, and Gynecological Disorders

Complete the Focused SOAP Note Template provided for the patient in the case study. See the Week 7 Assignment area for complete instructions.

By Day 7 Submit your Assignment.


.B. 95-year-old, white male, currently living in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) SUBJECTIVE:

Chief Complaint:                  “My urine is really red.”

HPI:                                        On Wednesday (2 days ago) the patient was brought to your clinic by his son and complained that his urine appeared to be bright red in color. You ordered labs, urinalysis, culture, and sensitivity, and the results are below.

Allergies:                               Penicillin: Hives

Current Medications:           Tamsulosin 0.4 mcg, 2 capsules daily

Aspirin 325 mg daily Atorvastatin 10 mg 1 tablet daily

Donepezil 10 mg 1 tablet PO QHS

Metoprolol 25 mg 0.5 mg tablet every 12 hours

Acetaminophen 500 mg 1 tablet BID

Code Status:                          DNR Regular diet, pureed texture, honey-thickened liquids


Vital Signs:                            BP 122/70, HR 66, Temp 98.0 F, Resp 18, Pulse ox 98%

PMH:                                     Cognitive communication deficit, pneumonitis due to inhalation of food and vomit, dysphagia, R-side hemiplegia and hemiparesis past ischemic CVA, moderate vascular dementia, malignant neoplasm of prostate, new-onset atrial fibrillation (12/2019), DVT on left lower extremity, gross hematuria.……..please click the icon below to purchase full solution a $15