(Solution) NR537 Week 7 Scholarly Discussion: Learner’s Behavior – Patient safety


NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education

Week 7 Scholarly Discussion: Learner’s Behavior

One of your learners asks to speak to you privately about a concern. Upon entering your office and providing for privacy, the learner slowly and then more forcibly begins to speak. She tells you that she is considering filing a formal grievance against you for age discrimination. During the last formative evaluation conference, you identified concerns in the areas of;

  1. patient safety; and
  2. application of knowledge related to medications

The learner identifies that after several intense conversations with peers, she believes that you are discriminating due to age. The learner then identifies how the concerns related to patient safety and application of knowledge are due to your biased misperceptions. Select a learning environment (nursing professional development or academic), and provide information on how you would first respond to the learner in your office and then what responses would be appropriate at a later time.


In my mind, this is an academic case study, therefore I’m examining it and reacting as such. Here, a nurse educator’s job is to make sure students feel safe and supported as they learn the skills they’ll need to be successful nurses and provide quality care to patients (Brennan & Olson, 2018). As the teacher in this situation, my initial reaction will be to validate the student’s feelings and take notes, before asking additional questions to verify the veracity of what was said.……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $5