(Solution) NR537 Week 7 Assignment: Performance Evaluation -nr537


NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education

Week 7 Assignment: Performance Evaluation – Designing an Experiential Learning Activity

Description of the Assignment

This assignment has two major parts. The first part is the development of a written summative evaluation using the required template for a learner who is successful, but still needs improvement in on of the identified competencies. The second part is the development of a written summative evaluation for a learner who is unsuccessful and must repeat the content. For both parts of this assignment, the following three competencies are to be used.

  • Demonstration of quality nursing care
  • Demonstration of professional behavior
  • Demonstration of information from evidence-based practice literature

The MSN student may select ONE of the following practice settings based upon career goals. The practice settings are noted to be following.

  • For the MSN student who is focusing on nurse professional development, the learner`s clinical competencies are being evaluated as part of a performance improvement plan.
  • For the MSN student who is focusing on an academic setting the learner is a student in a fundamental nursing class who requires successful completion of the didactic and clinical components.

For the selected practice setting, the MSN student is required to complete this assignment for one learner who has successfully demonstrated all required competencies, but has one competency that needs improvement AND who has not successfully demonstrated all required competencies. Each competency must be evaluated regarding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to professional nursing practice of the competency.

Criteria for Content

This assignment consists of two required parts:

  • Part 1: Completion of the written Final Performance Evaluation for one learner who is successfully demonstrating TWO of the required competencies but needs improvement in the third required competency.
  • Part 2: Completion of the written Final Performance Evaluation for one learner who is unsuccessful in all two of the required competencies.

Note: The practice setting is based upon the MSN student`s future practice setting as a nurse educator.

For each of the two learners, the written summative evaluation is completed using the Final Performance Evaluation Form noted below. Specific fictional examples of learners` expected behavior or absence of behavior are to be provided in the Educator`s Summative Assessment column in order to support the decision regarding satisfactory, improvement needed, or unsatisfactory. A comprehensive concluding statement must be provided that summarizes the decision. A separate Final Performance Evaluation form must be completed for the satisfactory learner and for the unsatisfactory learner.

Part 1: Written Performance Evaluation for the Successful Learner: The required content for the written summative evaluation is the following.

  • Identify the practice setting
  • Provide a fictional example identifying the behaviors of the successful learner in the clinical setting
  • Identify the evaluation score for each competency
  • Identify the competency that needs improvement
  • Objective wording present in the Educator`s Summative Assessment that supports the Evaluation Score
  • Specific fictional examples of learner`s behavior for knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each competency
  • Comprehensive concluding statement regarding the summative evaluation

Part 2: Written Performance Evaluation for the Unsuccessful Learner: The required content for the written summative evaluation is the following.

  • Identify the practice setting
  • Provide a fictional example identifying the behaviors of the unsuccessful learner in the clinical setting
  • Identify the evaluation score for each competency
  • Identify the two competencies that are unsatisfactory
  • Objective wording present in the Educator`s Summative Assessment that support the Evaluation Score
  • Specific fictional examples of learner`s behavior for knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each competency
  • Comprehensive concluding statement regarding the summative evaluation


Performance Evaluation

Successful Learner’s Summative Evaluation
Practice setting: traditional academic setting
The lesson in the classroom focused on preventing diabetes. The majority of the lesson’s emphasis was on educating the patient and their loved ones about diabetes in general. Use of data from the literature on evidence-based practice is one of the competences that has to be improved (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).


Quality Nursing Care

Professional Behavior

Use of evidence- based practice literature

Evaluation Score


•      Satisfactory

•      Improvement Needed

•      Unsatisfactory

Educator’s Summative Assessment


The student demonstrated satisfactory quality nursing care based on the approach he/she used to address the patient’s underlying condition and recommendation on best treatment options and prescriptions (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).

The student also maintained the patient’s anonymity in the classroom. However, more improvement is needed to appropriately apply ethical norms. This requires improvement for the student to obtain the recommended scores (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).

However, the manner in which the student utilized information from the evidence based practice literature was unsatisfactory. The information has either been wrongly cited or not applied at all (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).

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