(Solution) NR537 Week 6 Discussion: Collaboration Café -Substitute educator


NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education

Week 6 Discussion: Collaboration Café

You agree to be the substitute clinical educator for a peer who is ill. The educator tells you that the learners are really good—every one of them. You can trust them to do a good job and answer questions. About 3 hours into the experience, you realize that one of the individuals is not doing a good job—she was unable to explain the purpose of medications, she forgot to complete the glucose monitor test, and now she has contaminated a dressing change for a central line. What would be your actions as the substitute educator?


In the absence of the student’s primary teacher, the role of a substitute teacher is to provide the curriculum and continue the student’s education (Karlson et al., 2018). In this situation, if I were the substitute instructor, I would start by recording my findings. I would next approach the student and ask them about their awareness of the errors I had seen. Lack of knowledge is a common source of errors made by students. So, before making any corrections, it’s critical to gauge their degree of expertise. ……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $5