(Solution) NR537 Week 4 Discussion: Collaboration Café -Educational Unit


NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education

Week 4 Discussion: Collaboration Café

You are part of an educational unit of four educators. The item analysis of the recent examination is being reviewed. During this process, one test question in particular upsets you. From the item analysis, you can see that the question has a discrimination index of .15 and several of the upper-level learners selected the same incorrect distractor. You believe that the distractor is worded poorly and is confusing to these students. You want to remove the item and give the students who missed it credit for the correct answer. You become upset when the majority of the educators vote to leave the test question within the examination. In fact, you become so upset that you raise your voice and the chair of the group calls for a 15-minute break for everyone “to calm down.”

Later that night, while self-reflecting, you suddenly recall that as a student, you were upset over a test question that you thought was confusing and “tricky.” However, the faculty member would not change your score, resulting in you failing the exam. You realize that this experience has impacted your work as an educator in reviewing test questions. Tomorrow, you must work with the same group of individuals on a task force.

How would you approach tomorrow’s meeting? Would you bring up your memory to the members of the task force? Would you decide to discuss it in a few days over lunch? What actions would you use so that this previous event does not impact your current work? How would you be fair to the learners who answered correctly as well as to those who answered incorrectly?


I’ve been able to pinpoint the source of my feelings on the study of exam questions thanks to self-reflection. I’ll jot down my thoughts on the subject and any other elements I can think of that could have affected my response at today’s discussion in order to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. It will be easier for me to approach tomorrow’s meeting with a clear head and an open mind if I can recognize these influences and emotional triggers. I will begin the meeting by expressing regret for how I behaved the day before and then go on to discuss how my earlier experiences affected how I behaved emotionally in the prior meeting.……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $5