(Solution) NR531 Week 3: Shared Governance Journey Paper -SLMC


NR 531 Nursing Leadership In Healthcare Organizations

Preparing the Paper

Note: Use the documents related to SLMC to assist in the completion of this assignment, as needed.

  1. Include a clear introduction of your focus area (choose one of the three above) in the introduction paragraph, including a sentence that states the purpose of your paper.
  2. Clearly articulate key components (at least two) of either your pathway to excellence or your shared-governance model project to be implemented.
  3. Include a minimum of three sources of scholarly, empirical evidence that supports your area of focus. See resources related to SLMC if you need to review the information for that area.
  4. Provide specific examples (at least two) of the impact and importance of either your pathway to excellence or shared-governance model project related to nursing. Consider how you will engage your staff and leadership team in this project.
  5. Provide concluding statements that should summarize your overall assignment content.
  6. The paper will be three pages maximum, excluding title and reference pages.
  7. Title and reference pages must be in APA format following the sixth edition manual.
  8. Use 12 point, Times New Roman font and one-inch margins on all sides of the paper.


Shared Governance Journey Paper

Shared governance in nursing refers to the collaborative development and implementation of decision-making frameworks and interpersonal interactions within an organization. The creation of this model is essential for delivering high-quality care, ensuring favorable patient outcomes, and enhancing nurse satisfaction. A culture of excellence is promoted by having employees who are actively involved in and invested in the decision-making process. A facility must adhere to its goal and vision statements while addressing the many requirements within a community. The aim of this paper is to discuss the implementation of a shared governance model at Saint Louis Medical Center by examining and identifying the shared governance model’s components and key components, providing evidence in support of the model’s implementation, and providing examples of the model’s significance and effects on nursing.

Shared Governance Model Components

Three elements must be implemented in order for shared governance to be developed and implemented at SLMC. Professional accountability, therapeutic decision-making, and distributive decision-making are the elements that give shared governance its structure (Porter-O’Grady, 2019). By implementing a transformational leadership approach, the team will get everyone on board with the shared goal, which will inspire and empower them to take responsibility for their job and the care they provide (Oss, 2020). Through cooperation, a healthy workplace atmosphere, and a common goal, this idea encourages the formation of a partnership amongst all healthcare providers.…….please follow the link below to access the entire solution at $10