(Solution) NR 512 Week 1 Discussion: Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills & Competencies


NR 512 Fundamentals Of Nursing Informatics


Reflect on your own practice. Discuss how informatics is used in your practice. What is your primary area where you would use informatics? From completing the Pre-TANIC TIGER assessment for this week, what do you plan to achieve in this course? How did you feel your competency level was compared to the assessment?


As a nurse who began her profession by scratching notes into a granite slate with a chisel, I can attest that the introduction of modern technology into the field of nursing is nothing short of remarkable. Medication ordering, dispensing, and administration; taking vitals and entering them into the electronic medical record (EMR); communicating between departments and providers to facilitate care coordination and appointment scheduling (for instance, when a case is posted in the operating room, pre-assessment is triggered to schedule an appointment for a pre-operative screening and interview)…..please click the button below to purchase the solution at $5