[Solution] NR 503 Week 6 Assignment: Epidemiological Analysis


NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology And Statistical Principles


The purpose of this assignment is:

  1. Integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout NR503 course
  2. Direct application of course objectives utilizing epidemiological analysis of a chronic health problem, along with state and national level

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

See weekly outcomes from Weeks 1-6.

Due Date: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.

Total Points Possible: 200


This paper should clearly and comprehensively discuss a chronic health disease.  Select a topic from the list provided by your course faculty.

The paper should be organized into the following sections:

  1. Introduction (Identification of the problem) with a clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance and a scholarly overview of the paper’s No heading is used for the Introduction per APA current edition.
  2. Background and Significance of the disease, to include: Definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics by state with a comparison to national statistics pertaining to the  Create a table of incidence and prevalence  rates  by  your  geographic  county/city  or  state  with  a  comparison  to national statistics. Use the APA text for formatting guidelines (tables). This is a table that you create using relevant data, it should not be a table from another source using copy/paste.
  3. Surveillance and Reporting: Current surveillance methods and mandated reporting processes as related to the chronic health condition chosen should be
  4. Epidemiological Analysis: Conduct a descriptive epidemiology analysis of the health Be sure to include all of the 5 W’s:  What, Who, WhTeorep, When, Why.  Use details associated with all of the W’s, such as the “Who” which should include an analysis of the determinants of health. Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.
  5. Screening and Guidelines: Review how the disease is diagnosed and current national standards (guidelines). Pick one screening test (review Week 2 Discussion Board) and review its sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and
  6. Plan: Integrating evidence, provide a plan of how a nurse practitioner will address this chronic health condition after graduation. Provide three specific interventions that are based on the evidence and include how you will measure outcomes (how will you know that the interventions have utility, are useful?) Note:  Consider primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as well as the integration of health policy advocacy efforts. All interventions should be based on evidence – connected to a resource such as a scholarly piece of
  7. Summary/Conclusion: Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of the keys points from each section of the paper utilizing integration of resources.
  8. The paper should be formatted and organized into the following sections which focus on the chosen chronic health condition.
  9. Adhere to all paper preparation guidelines (see below).

Preparing the Paper:

  1. Page length: 7-10 pages, excluding title page and
  2. APA format current edition
  3. Include scholarly in-text references throughout and a reference
  4. Include at least one table that the student creates to present information. Please refer to the “Requirements” or rubric for further details. APA formatting
  5. Length: Papers not adhering to the page length may be subject to either (but not both) of the following at the discretion of the course faculty: 1.  Your paper may be returned to you for editing to meet the length guidelines, or, Your faculty may deduct up to five (5) points from the final grade.
  6. Adhere to the Chamberlain College of Nursing academic policy on integrity as it pertains to the submission of original work for


The increased incidence and death rate of lung cancer in the twenty-first century may be directly attributed to the widespread use of tobacco products (Siddiqui & Siddiqui, 2021). Over a hundred distinct forms of cancer have been identified (National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2021). In both sexes, lung cancer ranks second in terms of prevalence. Between 20,000 and 40,000 instances of lung cancer are diagnosed annually in people who have never smoked (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive definition of lung cancer, including its history and relevance, current surveillance and reporting systems, epidemiological analysis, screening, diagnosis, and recommendations, and treatment strategy.

Background and Significance

Human body cells grow and multiply, forming new cells as the body needs them. Once the cells are old or damaged, new cells then take over. When the body cells start to grow uncontrollably, it is cancer. Damaged or unhealthy cells can grow and multiply and form tumors. Tumors are lumps of tissue that can be benign or cancerous. Cancerous or malignant tumors can invade other tissues. Cancerous cells spreading is metastasis (NCI, 2021).

Cancer can start anywhere in the body. Cancer name is the organ or tissue where cancer has formed or the type of cell formed. Cancer that appears in the lungs first is lung cancer. There are different types of lung cancer with two main categories, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Those who smoke cigarettes more commonly have SCLC and account for fifteen percent. SCLC is aggressive.…please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10