[Solution] NR 503 Week 1: Exercise and Discussion Questions from Curley Text Book


NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology And Statistical Principles

Week 1 Discussion: Exercise and Discussion Questions from Curley Text Book

Go to the end of Chapter 2: Identifying Outcomes, in your Curley course text. Under “Exercises and Discussion
Questions” select Exercise 2.5 OR 2.6 and respond in a minimum of two (2) paragraphs of 4-5 sentences
each. You should address each bullet point in the exercise you select. Your work should have in-text citations
integrating at a minimum one scholarly article from this week’s readings and course textbook. APA format
should … to include a reference list. Correct grammar, spelling, and APA should … to when
writing, work should … scholarly without personalization or first person use.

Exercise 2.5 Diabetes affects a growing number of Americans. You have been … to join a collaborative of
community agencies interested in tackling diabetes from a community perspective. What resources will you use to identify different outcomes related to diabetes? What outcomes … to diabetes are of most interest to community members? How will you compare the outcomes you select to monitor at the local level with state and national outcomes?

Exercise 2.6 should not only recognize but also make it part of their practice to develop strategies to reduce or eliminate health disparities. Review information from Healthy People 2020 and the CDC Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities websites.

  • What health disparities can you find that are relevant to your community?
  • How can you better advocate for minority groups who have poorer health outcomes?
  • What specific objectives in Healthy People 2020 can help this effort?
  • Respond to exercise post of two peers. Faculty posts are in addition to the two peer posts.

Review the following for integration into your writing/responses: https://campaignforaction.org/issue/fostering-interprofessional-collaboration/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Threaded Discussion Rubric can … found in Course Resources


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 650 million adults worldwide are obese, this number is nearly triple the number in 1975 (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020). There are well known risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease associated with obesity, however it is less known that obesity can increase the risk of several types of cancer (Venniyoor, 2020). This discussion will identify the six cancers associated with obesity, ascertain the prevalence rate of obesity in those under 18 in Ohio, and which children are at higher risk. Obesity prevention programs and the effectiveness of these programs will be discussed, along with any laws designed to decrease obesity and the effectiveness of the laws.

Obesity is a leading cause of morbidly and mortality. Obesity and can have a significant effect on individuals health both physically and psychologically. The weeks readings identified many cancers which can be related to obesity; these include colorectal, esophageal, thyroid, kidney, pancreatic, breast, and endometrial cancers….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5