(Solution) NR 500 Week 4 Reflection on Learning


NR 500 Foundational Concepts And Applications


Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership. Then save the reflection as a Word Document for submission later in the course. In week 8, you will submit all reflections as a single document. This reflection is worth 5 points and the final reflection document in week 8 is worth 15 points. You will need to post your reflection here before you are able to see other students’ posts.

  • Reflect on connective leadership styles. Which style most closely aligns with your personal leadership  characteristics ?
  • How might you use power to influence change in your NP role?


The healthcare system has undergone an excessive amount of change because to Covid. Although we expect to be through the worst of the epidemic, the situation is still changing constantly. Based on the recommendations of the CDC, we continue to have updated policies and procedures to follow. As a future NP, I’ll carry on my studies, advocate for patients, support healthy living, and promote compliance with medical treatments. Showing my patients and family that I care about them and desire the greatest result for them and their loved ones would be the first step in gaining power in the industry. This will nuture trust, respect, and motivate others as a healthcare provider. …please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5