(Solution) BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 5 – Athlete’s warehouse -SWOT analysis

Recall that in a SWOT analysis, the Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. This means that the organization has more control over these factors. The opportunities and threats are external, meaning that they have little to no influence over them. Read the case study, Athlete’s warehouse (A)and provide three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (each) for Athlete’s Warehouse.  Provide an analysis of each of these, including the justification for why you chose them. Also, provide an overall evaluation of the organization based on the SWOT analysis.

Prepare a 500 to 600 word (double-spaced) essay. Cite references, using APA format, for any material that you use in preparing the essay.

Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • The strengths are correctly analyzed from the case study and are internal.
  • The weaknesses are correctly analyzed from the case study and are internal.
  • The opportunities are correctly analyzed from the case study and are external.
  • The threats are correctly analyzed from the case study and are external.
  • Provide an overall evaluation of the organization based on the SWOT analysis.
  • Writing is clear. Used appropriate grammar and writing to express ideas. References were cited properly.
  • Paper is 2 pages (double -spaced) in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • All references cited in APA format, with a source list.


Howse, B. (1992). Athlete’s warehouse (A). Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute.


The case study reveals potential and challenges, as well as its strengths and limitations.


The Athlete’s Warehouse offered greater variety to its clientele than any other store in Grand Falls. In addition, previous to opening the business, both brothers worked in corporate management. They might benefit from Ed and Colin’s knowledge if they take a close look at their company and use it to guide decisions on running the business and staying ahead of the competition. The brother’s workforce was considerably more knowledgeable when it came to selling high-quality shoes and clothes.….please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $10