(Answered) PSYC-110N Discussion Week 3: Learning & Memory (Option 2)

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: What does it mean when you have learned something? Identify and describe an example of something you have learned recently using either the principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning or observational learning/social-cognitive learning. Ensure that you describe your example using the appropriate terminology associated with each learning theory.

Option 2: Memory is a complex concept, why can we remember every word to a song we heard 10 years ago, but can’t remember why we walked into the kitchen less than 5 minutes ago? Why do we forget certain information, but remember others? Briefly describe a recent situation in which you forgot something important, referencing one of the theories of forgetting. What techniques could you have used to avoid forgetting this information?


Forgetting can be defined as the loss or change of information that was had been stored in long-term or short-term memory. According to the interference theory, forgetting occurs due to different memories interfering with one another (Ceraso, 1967). The amount of time a piece of information is attended to in the brain determines where it is stored. For instance, information that is attended to for about 30 seconds is stored in short-term memory, unattended information is attended in sensory memory, and significant information that is will be useful for a longer time is stored in long-term memory (Feldman, 2018). We remember certain information and forget others because the human brain holds memories that are significant ……please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5