(Answered) NURS 6501N-16; Week 11 Final Exam -100% Correct


NURS 6501 Advanced Pathophysiology

NURS 6501N-16, Advanced Pathophysiology; Week 11 Final Exam

  1. Question: A patient has defective secretion of the intrinsic factor leading to anemia. What treatment option does the healthcare professional discuss with the patient?
  2. Question: A health care professional is teaching a group of college women about increasing calcium in the diet to prevent osteoporosis. A participant asks at what age is peak bone mass is reached in women. What response is best?
  3. Question: A healthcare professional in an urban clinic is seeing a patient who has iron deficiency anemia (IDA). What question by the professional is most appropriate to assess for the cause of IDA?
  4. Question: How should the healthcare professional reply when parents question why a computed tomographic (CT) scan of the head was not ordered for their 5-year-old child after a minor fall?
  5. Question: A health care professional determines that the student needs more education when the student makes which statement about treating bone infection?
  6. Question: Which statement by the professor best describes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)?
  7. Question: What is the effect of low plasma albumin?
  8. Question: A patient has been hospitalized with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). The patient asks how this could have occurred. What response by the healthcare professional is best?
  9. Question: A student reads in a chart that a child has been diagnosed with mixed precocious puberty and asks for an explanation. What explanation by the healthcare professional is most accurate?
  10. Question: A student reads in a chart that a child has been diagnosed with mixed precocious puberty and asks for an explanation. What explanation by the healthcare professional is most accurate?
  11. Question: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system abnormalities exist in a large percentage of individuals with what?
  12. Question: Which statement by the healthcare professional accurately describes childhood asthma?
  13. Question: What does the student learn distinguishes kwashiorkor from marasmus?
  14. Question: A patient has primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and is hospitalized after a bleeding episode. What treatment does the healthcare provider anticipate being ordered for this patient?
  15. Question: A man reports to the healthcare professional that he had a sudden onset of malaise, low back pain, and perineal pain with high fever and chills, dysuria, nocturia, and urinary retention. What action by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?
  16. Question: What is the role of thromboxane A (TXA 2) in the secretion stage of hemostasis?
  17. Question: A woman who is positive for hepatitis B is in labor. What action by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?
  18. Question: A person has been diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and wants to know why ibuprofen is a good choice for pain control. What response by the health care professional is best?
  19. Question: A preschool teacher notices a child who has burrows on the hands that are several millimeters to 1 cm long, papules, and vesicular lesions. What other assessment finding would help the teacher determine the type of infestation the child has?
  20. Question: Compared with an adult, an infant has a greater content of extracellular fluid, as well as a greater rate of fluid exchange. What effect does this have on the fluid balance of a child compared with that of an adult?
  21. Question: A healthcare professional is caring for a patient who has a spinal cord injury at T5. The patient exhibits severe hypertension, a heart rate of 32 beats/min, and sweating above the spinal cord lesion. How does the professional chart this event?
  22. Question: Which condition is consistent with the cardiac defect of transposition of the great vessels?
  23. Question: What directly causes ovulation during the menstrual cycle?
  24. Question: A healthcare professional is caring for a patient diagnosed with aphasia. What action by the professional would be best in working with this patient?
  25. Question: A professor explains to a class that the reason lymph nodes enlarge and become tender during infection is because of what reason?
  26. Question: How does the epididymis become infected?
  27. Question: In acute hypothermia, what physiologic change shunts blood away from the colder skin to the body core in an effort to decrease heat loss?
  28. Question: Which spinal tract carries the most nociceptive information?
  29. Question: Which statement is likely true regarding children being treated for cancer with radiation therapy?
  30. Question: A health care professional is caring for a patient admitted to the hospital with severe anorexia. What action by the health care professional would be most important?
  31. Question: A healthcare professional is trying to lower a patient’s body temperature by convection. What action by the professional will accomplish this?
  32. Question: A parent asks the healthcare professional to explain why a child diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot squats frequently. What explanation by the professional is best?
  33. Question: An infant has gluten-sensitive enteropathy and the parents ask the healthcare professional to explain why the baby bruises so easily. The professional explains that the baby has which deficit?
  34. ..
  35. …….101. Question: In order to help prevent a preadolescent girl from developing later cervical cancer, which virus does the healthcare professional recommend vaccination against to the parent?


•        Question 1

1 out of 1 points

A patient has defective secretion of the intrinsic factor leading to anemia. What treatment option does the healthcare professional discuss with the patient?

Selected Answer: Vitamin B 12 injections initially given once a week.

•        Question 2

1 out of 1 points

A health care professional is teaching a group of college women about increasing calcium in the diet to prevent osteoporosis. A participant asks at what age is peak bone mass is reached in women.

What response is best?

Selected Answer: 30


•        Question 3

1 out of 1 points

A healthcare professional in an urban clinic is seeing a patient who has iron deficiency anemia (IDA). What question by the professional is most appropriate to assess for the cause of IDA?

Selected Answer: 1cHave you ever noticed any blood in your stool? 1d……..please click the icon below to purchase full answers at $30