(Answered) NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Week 2 Case Study Analysis


NURS 6501 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Case Study:

A 65-year-old obese African American male patient presents to his HCP with crampy left lower quadrant pain, constipation, and fevers to 101˚ F. He has had multiple episodes like this one over the past 15 years and they always responded to bowel rest and oral antibiotics. He has refused to have the recommended colonoscopy even with his history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis), sedentary lifestyle, and diet lacking in fiber. His paternal grandfather died of colon cancer back in the 1950s as well. He finally underwent colonoscopy after his acute diverticulitis resolved. Colonoscopy revealed multiple polyps that were retrieved, and the pathology was positive for adenocarcinoma of the colon.



The chemical properties of the surrounding environment have a significant impact on cell behavior, making it an important factor in disease diagnosis and treatment. The study of cell biology enhances our understanding of disease models. For instance, cancer is caused by genetic mutations that trigger a cascade of abnormal cell behavior.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2022), colorectal (colon) cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer among men and women and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. Screenings for colorectal cancer can result in early detection, which saves lives. Early detection can halt the progression of a disease and improve prognosis. Cancer risk factors include age, genetics, sedentary lifestyles, a high-fat, low-fiber diet, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and a family history of cancer. The purpose of this case study analysis is to discuss the manifestation of disease-related symptoms, genetics, and immunosuppression factors.…………..please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $15