(Answered) NRNP/PRAC 6645 Week 1 discussion: Factors That Influence the Development of Psychopathology


Explain the biological (genetic and neuroscientific); psychological (behavioral and cognitive processes, emotional, developmental); and social, cultural, and interpersonal factors that influence the development of psychopathology.


Factors That Influence the Development of Psychopathology

Psychopathology is often described as a study of untreatable personality disorder consisting of an apparent absence of empathy and remorse, along with superficial charm, shallow relationships, and rational, cold-blooded self-gratification, which often occurs at the expense others. Genetic and neurobiological differences have been conceptualized to underlie psychopathology, while affected individual’s life experiences only influence expressed psychopathological features and their severity. Generally, the former is used by those who ascribe the label a predominantly biological etiology, whereas environmental factors are highlighted by those using the latter (Gonzalez-Tapia, Obsuth, & Heeds, 2017). The important two factors that can influence the development of psychopathology include:

  • Factor 1: The interpersonal/Affective domain includes callous and unemotional traits such as: glibness/ superficial charm; grandiose sense of self-worth; cunningness/manipulativeness; lack of remorse or guilt; emotional shallowness; lack of empathy; and failure to accept responsibility of actions.
  • Factor 2: The Antisocial domain consists mostly of behavioral traits associated with an antisocial lifestyle: a need for stimulation/ proneness to boredom: parasitic lifestyle; poor behavioral control; promiscuous sexual behavior; lack of realistic long-term goals; impulsiveness; irresponsibility; juvenile delinquency; early behavioral problems (Gonzalez-Tapia, Obsuth, & Heeds, 2017).

Biological Factors (genetic and neuroscientific)

The notion is that patients inherit a genetic makeup that manifests in altered brain functioning and physiological reactivity, and along with some environmental triggers or influences, shapes their behavior in childhood. The strongest cumulative evidence base for a genetic pathway toward psychopathology is associated with the low-expression variant of the Monoamine Oxidase-A (MAO-A) gene, which encodes an enzymes that degrades mono-amine neurotransmitters- that is dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Statistically significant correlations were identified between the short allele and psychopathic and/or antisocial traits….,,please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10