(Answered) NR722 Week 6 The Role of the Nurse Educator in Designing Curricula


NR722 ENTIRE COURSE WEEK 1-8; 100% Complete 


For this assignment, select the setting in which you wish to design a curriculum. You can select an academic or clinical setting for this assignment. The curriculum should address the prevailing need of the setting and the driving forces for the creation of the curriculum.

In order to create flexible learning opportunities, with this assignment, you are provided an option on your Week 6 Role of the Nurse Educator in Designing Curricula Assignment. Flexible options allow the learner to direct the learning process. So, for this assignment, each of the following sections can be presented as an APA narrative paper or some sections accomplished through a conceptual map.

Note: Review guidelines and rubric to ensure if using a conceptual map, you are completing all aspects including in-text citations and references for three scholarly sources according to APA guidelines.

 Concept Map Resources

If you need additional information on concept maps and how to create a concept map in Microsoft Word, review the following resources:

Concept Map (2:48)


Additionally, review the conceptual maps section in the current APA manual.

Provide references in APA format. Page length requirement is not applicable if concept mapping option is used.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. Introduction (APA narrative)
    1. Introduce the paper’s main theme and the importance of the topic.
    2. Provide the setting and a brief introduction and the driving forces for the creation of the curriculum.
    3. Provide a brief and defining statement of what will be discussed in the paper.
  2. Prevailing trends and driving forces for the creation of curriculum (APA narrative or conceptual map)
    1. Describe the setting and assert the reasons why it is important to design this curriculum.
    2. Describe the governing and accreditation forces for change (e.g., new law allowing full practice authority for APRN, new accreditation standards, or new competency requirements for the setting).
  3. Curriculum design model  (APA narrative or conceptual map)
    1. Explain the curriculum model selected for the curriculum and what about this design model appealed to you.
    2. Examine the process for designing a two-course curriculum along with the type of stakeholders involved.
    3. Support your new curriculum design through the examination of the values, mission, and philosophy of the organizational setting.
    4. Explain the two courses involved in the curriculum and any requisite requirements for course progression.
    5. Defend the expected results of the new curriculum.
  4. Conclusion  (APA narrative)
    1. Create a summary of the content presented in the paper (no new information should be provided in the conclusion that has not already been presented in the paper).
    2. Summarize the role of the nurse educator in curricula design.
  5. References (minimum of 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources)
    1. Create the reference page.
    2. Ensure each reference has a matching citation.
    3. Support your position for the prevailing trends and the selection of the curriculum design model by using evidence from at least three (3) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal sources (preferably research or systematic reviews) that are level I, II, or III and high-quality. Do not use textbooks, government sources, or organizational websites for the three sources in this assignment.

Review the rubric for the grading criteria.



Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development

Nurse educators play an integral role in the advancement of the profession. They roles are integral in the teaching and preparation of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to enter into practice positions. Furthermore, they also teach other nurses in patient settings with the aim of facilitating continuing education and professional growth among nursing staff. These educators’ roles are in various settings, including classroom, clinical, and simulation. These roles tend to change depending on the setting. Additionally, various nursing education theories tend to influence the responsibilities of nurse educators in the various settings.

Roles of Nurse Educators

Nurse educators play a critical role in the curriculum development. According to the National League for Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies, one of their main roles is facilitating learning. One of their responsibilities is the creation of an environment that facilities learning and achieving of the desired psychomotor, affective, and cognitive outcomes (Billings & Halstead, 2015).……….please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $20