(Answered) NR722 Week 5 Integration and Synthesis of the literature for Curricula Development


NR722 ENTIRE COURSE WEEK 1-8; 100% Complete 


Review this week’s lesson and readings. Then, address the following:

  1. As you consider the next 2-5 years in nursing education, examine the prevailing trends and driving forces you anticipate will have the greatest impact on nursing curriculum.
  2. Explain why you think they will have a significant impact.


1.     As you consider the next 2-5 years in nursing education, examine the prevailing trends and driving forces you anticipate will have the greatest impact on nursing curriculum.

According to the World Health Organization WHO obesity has had a substantial influence on the global, national, and local healthcare burden over the past ten years, having increased as one of the most common healthcare practice concerns. Obesity has been identified in over 650 million adults and children globally. 39 million young children aged 5 and under were overweight or obese in 2020 (World Health Organization, 2021).………please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $10