(Answered) NR722 Week 3 Teaching and Learning with Diverse Learner Population


NR722 ENTIRE COURSE WEEK 1-8; 100% Complete 


Review this week’s lesson and readings. Consider what you have learned this week on social injustice, healthcare inequality, and the marginalization of minority populations. Then, address the following:

  1. Apply this learning to demonstrate how the nurse educator promotes leadership and change.
  2. Examine how you would create an inclusive learning environment that is safe and allows for freedom of thought and fosters communication and collaboration.


  1. Apply this learning to demonstrate how the nurse educator promotes leadership and change.

As a nurse educator, it is important to promote leadership and change when it comes to social injustice, healthcare inequality, and the marginalization of minority populations. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods. First, nurse educators should take the lead in educating their students on these issues, helping them understand the complexities and nuances of the situation. This could involve teaching them about the history and context of minority populations, the inequities that exist in healthcare, and how to advocate for change. …………..Please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $10