(Answered) NR722 Week 1 Theoretical Underpinnings of Nursing Education Purpose


NR722 ENTIRE COURSE WEEK 1-8; 100% Complete 


The purpose of this discussion is to examine how theoretical underpinnings in nursing education influence adult learning throughout the generations.

There are five generational cohorts in the United States. These generational cohorts include the silent generation (born before 1945), baby boomers (born between 1946-1964), Gen X (born before 1965-1976), and Gen Y (also called Millennials, born between 1977-1991), and Generation Z, also known as the Digital Generation or iGen (born after 1992).

As a nurse educator, you may have a wide range of learning styles in your class—from the silent generation to the digital generation and anywhere in between.


Review this week’s lesson and readings. Then, address the following:

  • Describe learning approaches that you would use to address the learning styles of a generationally mixed group of students based on your understanding of educational theory and adult learning principles.


Teaching a generationally diverse group necessitates recognizing each generation’s distinct experiences, cultural references, and technological comfort levels. Making broad judgments about a generation’s learning style merely based on age is incorrect. While there are certain basic patterns, it is vital to address the group as a varied mix of learners with unique requirements. With this in mind, educational theory and adult learning principles offer the following approaches:

  1. Active Learning: Engages multiple senses through think-pair-share activities, brainstorming sessions, or hands-on experiments for retention and understanding.
  2. Technology Integration: Digital tools enhance learning experiences by making them interactive and immersive. Implementing platforms like Kahoot for quizzes, Google Classroom for assignments, and Zoom or Teams for breakout sessions and group discussions…….please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $5