(Answered) NR703 Week 7 Assignment: Professional DNP Leadership Capacity


NR703 Applied Organization and Leadership Concepts


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your leadership capacity to manage a practice change project. You will create a collective manuscript that incorporates the revised Week 2 and Week 5 assignments with an additional section that you will create this week.

This assignment will allow for the assimilation of professional leadership competencies in project management as a DNP-prepared nurse. Assignment content supports professional formation, communication, and dissemination skills relevant to the DNP-prepared nurse.

Please note that this is the third part of a 3-part assignment submitted in Weeks 2, 5, and 7. You have received feedback from your course faculty on the Week 2 and Week 5 assignments, which you should use to revise and prepare the Week 7 assignment.

NOTE: All NR703 assignments and their requirements should be discussed in relation to your proposed or hypothetical DNP practicum project.


Use the provided Week 7 Assignment Paper Template and include the following:

  1. Introduction: The organizing introduction is the first paragraph that does the following:
    1. Introduce the paper’s topic and establishes its importance.
    2. Present a clear purpose statement.
    3. Create a brief overview (outline statement) for the combined paper using the three primary Level 1 headings.
  2. Integrate the Week 2 corrected content under the first Level 1 heading, “Organizational Needs Assessment.”
    1. Don’t forget to include the discussions of Table 1 (Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification) and Table 2 (Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool).
    2. Include the required level 2 headings (as they are on the template):Practice Gap
      1. Problem
      2. Practice Gap
      3. Practice Question
  3. Integrate the Week 5 corrected assignment content under the second Level 1 heading, “Leading the Practice Change Project,” using the following level 2 headings (Note: level 3 headings for sub-topics are recommended):
    1. Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams
    2. Communicating Comportment in Project Management
    3. Leadership Ethics
  4. Create the content to place under the third Level 1 heading, “Leading Practice Change Teams with Innovation and Effective Management,” using the following level 2 headings:
    1. Leading Through Innovation
    2. Integrating Leadership and Management Models
    3. Managing Materials and Human Resources
  5. Conclusion
    1. Recap the paper’s purpose statement and brief overview (outline statement) for the combined paper using the three level 1 headings (don’t include “conclusion”).
    2. Draw major conclusions from the body of your paper.
    3. Summarize the paper’s relevance to the practice change project.
  6. References (minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources)
    1. Create a reference page.
    2. Include the references from the first two papers that you have used in this paper if they are still used.
    3. Ensure each reference has a matching citation.
    4. Support your paper by using evidence from at least four (4) scholarly peer-reviewed journal article sources (preferably research or systematic reviews) that are retrieved from the Chamberlain library databases. Do not use the internet, textbooks, government sources, or organizational websites for these four sources in this assignment. However, you may use other gray materials for additional sources if you need them.
  7.  Attach the revised Table 1 (Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification) and Table 2 (Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool) from the Week 2 assignment as displayed on the Week 7 Assignment Template


Professional DNP Leadership Capacity

Addressing healthcare challenges requires committed and dedicated professionals who have the skills to get things done. A DNP-prepared nurse should possess leadership skills that are critical in helping solve the problems facing the healthcare system. Leadership skills enable nurses to make valuable contributions to the change processes. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate my leadership capacity to manage a practice change project. The paper begins by conducting a needs assessment in my current hospital’s geriatric wing. The paper then highlights strategies to lead the practice change project to solve the issue identified. Lastly, the paper discusses how a leader should lead practice change teams through innovation and effective management.

Organizational Needs Assessment

An organizational needs assessment is a process that provides a framework for performing skills, knowledge, or practice assessment in an organization. Its purpose is to help an organization identify the gaps that might be preventing it from achieving its desired objectives.……..Please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $15