[Answered] NR393-Week 4 Discussion: Impact of 19th Century Nurses


The purpose of this discussion is for learners to explore the contributions of one 19th century nurse related to leadership and/or provision of care.

Course Outcomes:

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

  • CO1: Describe persons and events in nursing history from the early years through the 19thcentury related to leadership and provision of care. (PO2)

Due Date

  • During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):
    • Posts in the discussion at least two times, and
    • Posts in the discussion on two different days

Points Possible

50 points


  • Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
    • Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
    • Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
    • Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
  • Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Best Practices include:
    • Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
    • Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
    • Select different classmates for your reply each week.


Important nurses of the 19th century are often overshadowed by Nightingale’s prominence. Select one 19th century nurse other than Nightingale and describe this person’s contributions to leadership and/or nursing care. We look forward to reading about the nurse you select!


A nurse that I found interesting that made her contributions in the 19th century is Louisa May Alcott. Louisa “volunteered as a nurse in the civil war and wrote a book called Hospital Sketches, a humorous work based on her experiences” (Judd, 2013). Alcott served at Union Hotel hospital in Georgetown, Washington. She served as a nurse in the war to help her family financially. She was smart and witty and was determined to prove her worth. She writes “Though often home sick, heart sick & worn out, I like it – find real pleasure in comforting tending & cheering these poor souls who seem to love me, to feel my sympathy though unspoken, & acknowledge my hearty good will in spite of the ignorance, awkwardness…..please click the purchase button to access the entire solution at $5