(Answered) NR-565 Week 1 Quiz – 100% Correct


NR-565: Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals

  1. Q&A: Which of the following pharmacokinetic factors exhibits racial differences?
  2. Q&A: Rifampin is a nonspecific CYP450 inducer that may ?
  3. Q&A: Which of the following is an excitatory amino acid (aka excitatory neurotransmitter)?
  4. Q&A: Which statement describes one way in which drugs interact with G- protein-coupled receptors?
  5. Q&A: Inhibition of P-glycoprotein by a drug such as quinidine may lead to which of the following?
  6. Q&A: Warfarin resistance may be seen in patients with VCORC1 mutation, leading to which of the following?
  7. Q&A: Up to 21% of Asians are ultra-rapid CYP2D6 metabolizers, leading to which of the following?
  8. Q&A: According to the National Standards of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, which of the following statements regarding an interpreter for healthcare is true?
  9. Q&A: According to the S. Office of Minority Health, poor health outcomes among African Americans are attributed to which of the following?
  10. Q&A: Alterations in drug metabolism among Asians may lead to which of the following?


The pharmacokinetic factors which can be expected to potentially exhibit racial differences are
(1) bioavailability for drugs which undergo gut or hepatic first-pass metabolism, (2) protein binding,
(3) volume of distribution, (4) hepatic metabolism, and (5) renal tubular secretion.
Rifampin is a nonspecific CYP450 inducer that may:……..please click the icon below to purchase answers at $12