[ANSWERED] NR 533 Week 3 Discussion: Process of Budget Preparation


NR 533 Financial Management In Healthcare Organizations


After exploration of the types of budgets and the processes for their development at your institution. How and from whom is input into the budgets acquired and used? Where does control of the budget lie? What influence do unit and midlevel managers have on the various kinds of budgets?


A budget allows a facility to have a fiscal plan for the year, and allows for management to look back and see where the high and low costs are coming from in each department. The budgeting process will affect the outcome of the departments (Walsh, 2016).

At my facility, we have goal set up and managed by our Chief Financial Officer and Chief Managers. Part of my job is to ensure the staff for each unit is not over or under. I run reports every 8 hours, that break down each unit. Each unit has a benchmark and I look at what the staffing is related to what the benchmark indicated it should be. If the unit is over for the shift then I look at staffing to see if that unit is over staffed…please click the purchase button below to access the entire answer at $5