(Answered) NR 443 Week 2 Assignment: Direct Care Project Part 1


NR 443 RN Community Health Nursing

Directions: Collect the data outlined in this template. Fill in the blanks in the tables provided. There are two parts – online data collection and a modified windshield survey data collection. You will then identify a nursing problem in a vulnerable population and write a nursing diagnosis. See the assignment directions for suggestions and best practices. For full credit, all information in a category must be completed. This will be the topic of your Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis Template and also Parts 2 through 4 of your course project.

Online Data Collection

  1. Community Information
  2. Community Demographics
    1. Go to https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045218
      1. The US data should automatically populate
      2. Input your zip code or county/township name
  • Then input your state for comparison data
  1. Enter the data into the table below
  2. Compare the county, state, and US data
  1. Community Epidemiological Data
    1. Go to: https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
    2. Click on your state
      1. Start with Overall Rankings in Health Outcomes
      2. Then choose your county
    3. Substance Use
      1. Go to: https://store.samhsa.gov/product/Behavioral-Health-Barometer-Volume-5/sma19-Baro-17-US
        1. Find your state and download the report.
        2. Review the report and document the following:
          1. Go to Substance use, abuse and use disorders section. This will be the area that discusses those 12 and older (near end of report).
  • Find the following percentages: 

Windshield SurveyIt is recommended that you have someone drive you around your community at least 2 times, ideally at different times of day and weekend vs. weekday.

ProblemIdentify a nursing problem based on your data and observations. The problem must … to substance use. Example: Alcohol use 

Vulnerable PopulationIdentify the vulnerable population that is most impacted by this problem. Example: Adolescents

DiagnosisWrite a nursing diagnosis based on your problem. Fill in the blanks below.



Online Data Collection

  1. Community Information
Your Community Data
Name of city or town and state Jamestown New York
Population 29,058
Nature of this community (rural, suburban, urban) Small City




Describe your community in 2-3 sentences

The city of Jamestown New York (NY) is in southwestern NY in the southern portion of Chautauqua County. It is a small city that takes a little less than fifteen minutes to travel through. The city is located on hills with steep inclines on the northern and southern streets.

Jamestown was once well known for its furniture business. Jamestown is the hometown of Lucille Ball. The winters are

harsh in Jamestown and received substantial lake effect snowstorms.


  1. Community Demographics
    1. Go to https://census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045218
      1. The US data should automatically populate
      2. Input your zip code or county/township name
  • Then input your state for comparison data
  1. Enter the data into the table below
  2. Compare the county, state, and US data……please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10