[Answered] MATH 534 Week 4 Homework Problems – 100% Correct


MATH 534 Applied Managerial Statistics

Week 4 Homework Problems

  1. Question: A random sample of 100 selected from a population with a standard deviation of 10 … a mean = 225. The mean and the standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means are __________.
  2. Question: Suppose a random sample of 49 is … from a population of size N = 500 with a standard deviation of 14. If the sample mean is 125, the 99% confidence interval to estimate the population mean is between ____________.
  3. Question: A manufacturer wants to purchase a certain product of foil. The foil is … on 1534 rolls each containing a varying amount of foil with a standard deviation of 12.5. In order to estimate the total number of foil on all the rolls, the manufacturer randomly … 200 rolls and … the number of foil on each roll. The sample mean was 48. Then the 95% confidence interval to estimate the population mean of foil is between _____________.
  4. Question: Suppose a researcher is interested in understanding the variation in the price of store brand milk. A random sample of 36 grocery stores … from a population and the mean price of store brand milk is calculated. The sample mean is $3.13 with a standard deviation of $0.23. Construct a 99% confidence interval to estimate the population mean.
  5. Question: Suppose a researcher is … in understanding the variation in the price of store brand milk. A random sample of 36 grocery stores … from a population and the mean price of store brand milk is … The sample mean is $3.13 with a population standard deviation of $0.25. Construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the population mean.
  6. Question: The following random sample was … from a normal distribution: 4.5, 6.4, 2.3, 1.8, 5.3, then the 95% confidence interval to estimate the population mean is between ____________.
  7. Question: A researcher is … in estimating the mean weight of a semi trailer truck to determine the potential load capacity. She takes a random sample of 17 trucks and computes a sample mean of 20,000 pounds with sample standard deviation of 1,500. The 95% confidence interval for the population mean weight of a semi trailer truck is ____________.
  8. Question: The weights of aluminum castings … by a process are normally distributed. A random sample of 5 castings is … ; the sample mean weight is 2.21 pounds; and the sample standard deviation is 0.12 pound. The 98% confidence interval for the population mean casting weight is ____________.
  9. Question: A national survey of companies … a question that … whether the customers like the new flavor of a cola from company A. The sample results of 1000 customers, and 850 of them … the new flavor. The 98% confidence interval on the population proportion of people who like the new flavor is ____________.
  10. Question: Construct 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals to estimate μ from the following data. State the point estimate. Assume the data come from a normally … population.
  11. Question: A large national company is considering negotiating cellular phone rates for its employees. The Human Resource department would like to estimate the proportion of its employee population who own an Apple iPhone. A random sample of size 250 is … and 40% of the sample own an iPhone. The 90% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion is ____________.
  12. Question: A large trucking company wants to estimate the proportion of its tracker truck population with … carrier capacity. A random sample of 200 tracker trucks is … and 30% of the sample have … carrier capacity. The 95% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion is ____________.
  13. Question: Suppose you want to estimate the proportion of cars that are sport utility vehicles (SUVs) being driven in Kansas City, Missouri, at rush hour by standing on the corner of I-70 and I-470 and counting SUVs. You believe the figure is no higher than 0.40. If you want the error of the confidence interval to be no greater than .03, how many cars should you randomly sample? Use a 90% level of confidence.
  14. Question: Is the environment a major issue with Americans? To answer that question, a researcher conducts a survey of 1255 randomly … Americans. Suppose 717 of the … that the environment is a major issue with them. Construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the proportion of Americans who feel that the environment is a major issue with them. What is the point estimate of this proportion?
  15. Question: A researcher wants to determine the sample size necessary to adequately conduct a study to estimate the population mean to within 5 points. The range of population values is 80 and the researcher plans to use a 90% level of confidence. The sample size should be at least ________.
  16. Question: An insurance company is … in conducting a study to estimate the population proportion of teenagers who obtain a driving permit within 1 year of their 16th birthday. A level of confidence of 99% will be … and an error of no more than .04 is desired. There is no knowledge as to what the population proportion will be. ………


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