[Answered] MATH 225N Week 7 Assignment: Construct Hypothesis… Proportions – Excel


MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning For The Health Sciences

Week 7 Assignment: Construct Hypothesis Test for Proportions – Excel

  1. Question: A CEO wondered if her company … either more or less complaint from its worker on Monday than any other day. she … that if it were truly random 20% of the complaint should have been filed on Monday she randomly … 50 complaints and checked that day that they were … in those complaints 13 were submitted on a Monday. does eeo conducts a non-proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level test whether the true proportion of complaints … on Monday is different from 20%. (a) Which answer Choice shows the correct null and alternative hypothesis for this test?
  2. Question: A CEO wondered if her company … either more or less complaint from its worker on Monday than any other day. She … that if it were truly random 20% of the complaint should have been … on Monday. She randomly … 50 complaints and … that day that they were … in those complaints 13 were submitted on a Monday. The CEO conducts a one-proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level test whether the true proportion of complaints … on Monday is different from 20%. (a). Ho : p = 0.2; Ha : p #0.2 which is two tailed test. (b). Use excel to test whether the true proportion of complaints submitted on a Monday is different from 20%. Identify the test statistics, z, and p-value from the excel output, rounding to three decimal places.
  3. Question: A CEO wondered if her company … either more or less complaint from its worker on Monday than any other day. She figured that if it were truly random 20% of the complaint should have been filed on Monday. She randomly selected 50 complaints and … that day that they were submitted in those complaints 13 were submitted on a Monday. The CEO conducts a one-proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level, to test whether the true proportion of complaints … on Monday is different from 20%. (a). Ho : p = 0.2; Ha : p #0.2 which is two tailed test. (b). zo = 1.061, p-value is = 0.289 (C). Which of the following are appropriate conclusions for this hypothesis test? Select all that apply.
  4. Question: Dimitry … that his friend is using of weighted die for board games to test his theory he want to see whether the proportion of odd number is different from 50%. He … the die 40 times and got an odd number 14 times. Dimitry conducts a one proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level, to test whether the true proportion of odd is different from 50%. (a) Which answer Choice shows the correct null and alternative hypothesis for this test?
  5. Question: Dimitry suspects that his friend is using a … die for board games. To test his theory, he wants to see whether the proportion of odd number is different from 50%. He rolled the die 40 times and got an odd number 14 times. Dimitry conducts a one proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level, to test whether the true proportion of odd is different from 50%. (a) Ho : p = 0.5; Ha : p #0.5 which is two tailed test. (b) Use excel to test whether the true proportion of odds is different from 50%. Identify the test statistics, z, and p-value from the excel output, rounding to three decimal places.
  6. Question: Dimitry suspects that his friend is using a … die for board games. To test his theory, he wants to see whether the proportion of odd number is different from 50%. He rolled the die 40 times and got an odd number 14 times. Dimitry conducts a one-proportion hypothesis test at the 5% significance level, to test whether the true proportion of odds is different from 50%. (a) Ho : p = 0.5; Ha : p #0.5 which is two tailed test. (b) Use excel to test whether the true proportion of odds is different from 50%. Identify the test statistics, z, and p-value from the excel output, rounding to three decimal places.(b). zo = 1.897, p-value is = 0.058

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