(Answer) ENGL147N Week 1 Assignment


ENGL147N Advanced English Composition

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Apply the following writing resources to your assignment:


The goal of an argument research proposal is to create a working argument stance and a basic plan that considers context, audience, and purpose and that presents potential approaches to research.

Keep in mind that rather than being an outline or structural plan for your essay, this proposal should ground you in the conversation, should offer direction for research needs, and should give your professor ample focused material viable for providing effective feedback before you begin researching and writing.

Access the Proposal Template and complete the three required sections.

For an example proposal and development techniques, refer to your textbook reading for the week.

Writing Requirements (APA format): For proper APA format, please see the APA section in the Chamberlain Writing Center.

  • Length: About 1 ½ – 2 pages (not including references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page


  1. Based on our Week 1 Discussion and your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme announcement, answer the following:
  2. State your stance within the debate you chose, without using “I.” (1 sentence)

Food high in vitamin D should be consumed, and disinfecting agents like hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean soft surfaces rather than using UV radiation which is very harmful to the skin.

  1. Why is your stance a good one for an argument research essay? (at least 3 sentences)

This is a good stance for an argument essay because UV radiation has a potential risk for skin cancer and other health issues. Furthermore,there are safe options for killing bacteria from soft surfaces without using light. Lastly, despite the health benefits of stimulating vitamin D using UV radiation, vit D can be gotten from food and daily supplements.

  1. Who might disagree with your stance and why? (at least 3 sentences)

The targeted public who benefits from UVradiation are more likely going to disagree with my stance because of the health benefits such as stimulating vitamin D to produce calcium for strong bones and tanning.…..please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10